Our Warm Weather Sanctuary

Part of our porch. Come sit a spell! (Psst-Cliff’s getting a new grill for Father’s Day. He’s worn this baby out.)

Is there a place that is so special that you are drawn to it like no other?  A place that you run to in crisis and can de-stress in.  Where a ticking clock is not welcome.  A refuge where the world melts away and peace massages the knots of out of the life’s shoulders.

When we were looking for a house, I knew I could be pretty happy anywhere, but there 4 four specific things I prayed for.

1. Room for 6.

2. At least 2 bathrooms pleeeaze! For EVERYONE’s sanity.

3. A fireplace-economy and coziness

4. A big front porch.

And all four came to pass.

When Spring starts to wake up, our porch comes alive.  I can hardly wait to put out the plants that have emphezma from a long winter of fake inside air.  Flowers get thrown in pots and blow the dust off the colorful cushions for the naked furniture.  The grill comes alive with hamburgers, roasted corn, and whatever welcomes those perfectly spaced char marks in the culinary world.  During my morning bible study lately I am serenaded by an owl that thinks he’s Michael Buble and a chorus of twitter-tweets requesting encores from his adoring female feathered fans.  In the evenings, fireflies compete with the tiki torches of who can light up our world the most.

So much happens out there. Major family decisions have been made while we rocked on the glider.  Broken hearts have realized they will go on beating through tears shed as they fell on the worn floor.  Many great books have been devoured in a variety of positions and lots of personal pondering takes place here. The world’s problems have been solved with friends over a Coke or two as a south breeze teased our senses. Celebrations of graduations, our legendary Fourth of July Whingding, and impromptu gatherings have been witnessed by this hallowed place.  On the porch everyone is welcome and everyone’s a friend.  It is truly a place of sanctuary.

So, when God and I have chatted, I have told him that I ain’t picky on the mansion he has promised.  But, could it please have a front porch?  I have a whole list of folks I want to invite for some iced tea and some of  Grill Master Cliff’s masterpieces.  You are definitely invited and drag a some folks with you. There is plenty of room for everyone.

Oh, and just so you know, Jesus has already called the glider.

Now, I’m wondering where is your sanctuary?  Would love to hear about it.